
Sunday, December 5, 2010

A walk that I'll remember...

I went to my cousin's house a few days ago and we both had gone for a long walk around her house. I was as usual snapping photos of all things when I just got a thought...Just like how humans have different reactions when in front of camera, how wonderful/weird(depend on the reaction) would it be if everything else too reacted to camera...This is what I think were the reactions of my subject:

The sun smiled as it cast a rainbow in the sky.

The lights twinkled like diamonds on a bride's neck

The hungry animals ignored my presence

The blue flowers complained about the lady bug

This little pretty flower set its hair pollens

And the big red one observed its surrounding.

The tiny crater called for my attention

And the massive rocks stood erect and serious.

The roads puffed-up their chest and made themselves seem longer

Yet this brave girl took on the path less taken

The exited city showed off its colors

And the barren land proudly exhibited its own set of emotions.

The struggling tree looked up with hope         

while the naive leaf flirted with the camera.

This bouquet sent a silent message to be unique and yourself

The whole series would feel incomplete if I didnt include the picture of this family who saw me clicking pictures and requested me to click one picture of them too...I love the expressions on each one of them and the green background just adds to the whole country side-feel of the picture:)