
Saturday, February 12, 2011

A diary entry...

Here's how my day started off on the last working day of my week:)

"Its just 8 30 in the morning and I am in my office cubicle with a truck load of work for the day before the weekend dawns. Yet I am smiling and humming to my self as I listen to this fun tune cause it is perfect for the day:)

I just have this feeling that nothing can go wrong on a day when you walk out of the house and the first thing you see is the sun winking through the branches of lush green trees. I travel for an hour every day to get to work in the morning. And I see the same old things everyday. But everything just seems brighter and filled with life and vigour today. Every normal act puts a smile on my face:)

A sleepy passenger struggling to stay awake in a bus, A girl twirling around as she waits for the school bus and her mother looking at her with a smile on her face, a couple of stray dogs fighting next to an old rundown shop, Eastern Egrets skimming the water while they hunt for food in the tiny lake, colorful flowers adorn the sidewalks,the paling sculptures at every crossing, soldiers in training marching across the ground, late teenagers zooming past in their new cars/motorcycles.. ooh there goes a cute guy!! hello Mister...well!! this is what you would get to see if you travel my route every day!!"

The days went to be uneventful and on of those boring days but I was this obnoxious girl who could just not wipe that smile off her face irrespective of what the other person was saying:)

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