
Monday, November 8, 2010

Haunted head phones!!

I know Halloween has come and gone...but this happened today and I can't help it that I can tell you about it only today.
So here's how it goes..
I was early to office today morning (hence it was a lil empty)and I was in a mood for some slow music. So I put on my head phones and started listening to music and simultaneously checking my mails when suddenly I was sure from inside the head phones I heard an evil joker laugh (Bracket 1: not that I have ever heard a joker laugh actually...and no before you ask I haven't watched a single bat man movie nor the movie joker...) (Bracket 2: OK I am exaggerating a little...It must have been someone else laughing...but at that time it seriously felt like the head phones were haunted!!!)

But then it got me thinking...What if head phones could me haunted for real?? I mean may be there was a software engineer with a pretty boring life and his main aim would have been just to listen to a song and while he was listening...half way...suddenly he would have just died ...just like that with nothing special happening and then because of this unfinished business, he decides to haunt the head phones..

Hey this is a good story!!! The crew of Ghost hunters could easily make you believe this really happened...  : p


  1. Haaa.....Haaaa....LOL...Nice one...!!! Did u find out or not..Maybe U need to replace ur headphone with a good one.. :P

  2. :) thanks...n no I m blissfully ignorant :)
